W-2 Filing Deadline is Jan 31, 2025.
1099-NEC is now used to report independent contractor income and is due Jan 31, 2025.
1099-MISC form is used to report miscellaneous income and is due Mar 31, 2025.
Manage Your Company Payroll Online 24 / 7
* Optional, IRS authorized Payroll e-File Services
Online Payroll Management
- Prepare and print paychecks and/or paystubs.
- Calculate 941, 940, etc and export paycheck details.
- Calculate tax deposits, including employer’s liabilities.
- View & edit paychecks and payroll summary.
- Manage multiple companies in one account.
- See Demo
Free Payroll Calculator
- Enter hours or salary for tax computations
- Add overtime, bonus, commission or any earning items.
- Add pretax (401k, e.g.), non-tax (POP) or after-tax deductions.
- Add local tax items as needed.
- Print paystubs or paychecks.
- See Demo
Start Now
Optional, IRS authorized payroll return e-File services
C&S Technologies, Inc. (dba eSmartPaycheck) has been an IRS authorized payroll efile service provider since 2000. In addition to payroll tax calculations, we offer optional, IRS authorized payroll deposits and eFile services. Your data is not sold or used for any purpose other than preparing the checks, calculating taxes and preparing payroll returns. We have no parent, affiliate companies or other divisions that have access to your data.
Video: Register a New Account |
Video: How to use Free Calculator |
Latest News
- 2014 IRS form 940 and Schedule A (Credit Reduction States and Rates) have been released.
- eSmartPaycheck now offers optional, for fee, payroll efile services for filing payroll form 941, 940, W-2 and some State forms electronically.
Video: Online Payroll |
Other Services
- eSmart Payroll provides IRS authorized payroll efile services. Prepare, print and file form 941, 940, 944, W-2, W-2C, 1099-misc, correction and convert California DE9C ICESA, MMREF to XML, etc.
- Simple Payroll is a full service, online payroll where we will make tax deposits and file payroll reports for you.
- W2manager is designed for organizations that need to prepare and file many W-2s. Users can prepare, print, add or edit W-2 and W-2C forms easily anytime throughout the year.
- 1099manager is designed for organizations that need to prepare and file many 1099-misc forms. Users can prepare, print, add or edit 1099-misc and correction forms easily anytime throughout the year.